Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Ah ha, hush that fuss, everybody move to the back of the bus

An Icon has passed. Fifty years ago a woman of great courage and tired legs refused to give up her seat and move to the back of the bus. She knew the repercussions and decided that this was the battle she was going to fight. At 42 Rosa Parks sparked the Civil Rights movement by simply saying no. NO to segregation, NO to injustice, NO to discrimination and YES to Civil Rights.

Mrs. Parks died yesterday at 92 in Detroit. You might not know this, you may be shocked to hear this. While I have been away from the TV all day, in looking through internet headlines, there is barely any mention. MSN, in little print, CNN, under "other news", NY times... nothing. The Detroit Free Press is the only site I've seen thus far with a front page write up. Is that the only place that cares?

"Diamonds are forever" that's my ring tone, that's what I heard right before I found out, and I agree. Rosa Parks is and was a Diamond for all those who have benefited from Civil Rights. (that would be all of you) Do not let her legacy and spirit die with her body. Don't move her to the back of the bus...

Monday, October 24, 2005

Budget Cuts

So a two weeks ago I was fired, on a holiday no less. (Columbus Day) The reason...budget cuts, which really translates to "Dan you argue too much, and need to accept that doing things the right way is out of the question" Yeah fire the two guys who actually run the station, and keep the sheep who will do what ever you want...good business plan.

Ohh well, it has allowed me to try some new things. I've picked up bartending again. Plus became an unemployed drunkard (at the same bar) I call it financial recycling. Get paid from a shift and then drink for cheap with the money all night. And then there was the tailgating at CMU...Yes that's a golf club being used to flip hot coals.

I've managed to to get into internet design.

And I've realized that daytime TV is as useless as I thought. Though I have seen more food network than I thought possible.

Well I have a job interview in the morning so I bid you adieu...