Friday, November 11, 2005

The Present is a Gift

So I took this photo a while ago, and found it online again. And it seems to fit the current state of my life. To quote Common, "Never looking back, or too far in front of me, the present is a gift and I just want to be..." I'm getting rather tired of worrying about what the next move will be and being upset over being fired. Well, I'll never be unupset, but it's done and over. So I am going to enjoy the present for what it is.

Speaking of enjoying, I got the greatest phone call ever last night. I'm working on line and my phone rings a Mass. number. Given the amount of jobs I apply for, I have to answer. Luckily I did, my lovely staff (first year) from the 'Cuse were having a reunion and decided to include me. As down and out as I have felt, it was a GREAT pick me up. It's good to know you are loved...AND I LOVE ALL OF YOU, thanks for the call.

So switching subjects completely, well back to the subject, it's time for a Dan rant... In talking to my mother today, I found out my brother was locked up. Why you may ask, because he didn't pay his child support.

This rant isn't going where you think it is, this one is for the ladies. If you and the father of your child are living together, and he spends more money and time on the child than you do... cancel the F***ing child support. This wench, (I'm struggling to be nice here) wants my brother to pay for everything at the Apt, plus thild support, so she has spending money... that my friends is what I call a hood bitch. 90% of what my brother earns goes to her. He cuts his finger (damn near off)and is waiting for Workman's comp, and this bitch has the nerve to have him locked up. I can hear it, why is he with her, because if he leaves, she'll take my niece away. I know there are plenty of dead beat dads out there (I have one), but if a man is taking care of his, living with you and supporting the child, don't be a bitch and force him to pay child support. Grow up and realize that the system is for those who ditch responsibility, not those who embrace it... and I'm spent.

Ok, off to work...stop laughing, I have to look for work and do a few small projects.

"And all I have to hold
Is my self pride
So these streets I strive
Like a Black Panther
Asking can the
situation get much worst"


At 7:40 PM, Blogger Gary said...

Wasn't in the Cuse, so I'll holla here.
Great to see you blogin', Dan!


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